With an insurance marketplace, you can...
Meet customer expectations
Consumers crave convenience and choice when it comes to making purchase decisions.
Provide them with a single buying experience that offers a breadth of products and providers while making it easy to compare and secure coverage online or through an agent with direct market access.
Diversify your offerings
Both new entrants and insurers can extend their product portfolio to meet a broader range of customer preferences and needs.
By providing your target audience with more options and value, you'll enhance customer satisfaction and retention, and ultimately drive business growth.
Offer comparison shopping
Choice marketplaces enable users to receive and compare quotes for multiple products or from multiple insurers quickly.
This improves the shopping experience for them and gives them a sense of empowerment and confidence that they're getting the best policy for them at the best price.
Create customer stickiness
Having more comprehensive offerings for your customers that cover their important needs can enhance their affinity for and trust in your organization, leading to longer-lasting relationships.
Gain a competitive advantage
Offering a variety of choices can differentiate a business from its competitors by helping attract a broader customer base that others with less comprehensive offerings can't serve.
Uncover customer data points
Providing access to a variety of products and providers gives you insights into what products are being bought by which types of customers.
Use this information to help inform future business strategies, including new product development or market expansion.
Speed to Market
Maybe you're in the process of building your own product or expanding your footprint.
Instead of waiting to get started, use choice to establish a presence in certain markets and start selling products from other providers quicker than you would by yourself.
Manage risk without sacrificing revenue
Choice helps insurance carriers reach and retain customers whose risk profiles may not match your underwriting requirements at any given time. You can still ensure customer satisfaction by providing other options, while also earning commissions.
If you decide later to take on that risk, you have the information on the customer and their purchases, making it easier to remarket to them.
Our tools for insurance marketplaces:
Branded Digital Experiences